Changes to construction plans? Building permits can be revoked

In a recent WeirFoulds win, the Ontario Superior Court confirmed that a chief building official can revoke a building permit if the facts on the ground change after the permit is issued, even if the changes don’t affect what’s built at the end of the day.

Municipal actions. Court reactions.

With the actions of municipalities having such a direct and wide-ranging impact on the communities they serve, conflicts inevitably occur and court cases result. Here are a few recent cases you may find of interest.

Business Case for Diversity

Law firms are reviewing their policies, ranging from recruitment to retention, to improve their diversity—and serve their clients better

Passages to India

The world’s largest democracy is on the move, scouring the world for energy, money, infrastructure and legal expertise. Canadian companies—and their lawyers—are helping to meet the demand.

Staying Vigilant

While e-discovery is well established as a major concern for in-house counsel, it’s also clear that the issue is only becoming more complex—and potentially fraught with unknown pitfalls.

The rising risks of the e-document evolution

With electronic files now dominating workplace documentation and communication, significant litigation risks have emerged relating to the production of e-documents when a dispute arises. The good news? A proper document management plan can reduce these potential risks substantially.

At the Top

The Lawyers Weekly interviews WeirFoulds’ managing partner, Lisa Borsook.

Privilege Under Fire

As North American securities regulators crack down on corporate fraud, a cornerstone legal principle, solicitor-client privilege, has been caught in the crossfire. Today, in-house counsel wear huge targets on their […]

A Man With A Mission

Star lawyer Frank Walwyn guides aspiring black students through the minefields of the legal profession.

Flexing that municipal muscle

In their legislative role, municipalities face challenges not seen by other levels of government. Luckily, there’s never been a better time for creative solutions.