Case Law Update: May v CBC/Radio Canada et al

2011 FCA 130 (Released April 8, 2011) Judicial Review – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) – Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Voting Rights Pursuant to the Canada […]

OMB rules against Aurora on Westhill

The verdict is in on Aurora’s long-running battle against a plan to build 75 luxury homes and an 18-hole golf course on a section of the Oak Ridges Moraine near […]

Damage to property prior to closing

Purchasers and vendors face difficult decisions when something unexpected happens to the property between the time the agreement of purchase and sale is signed and the transaction closes.

Damage to property prior to closing

Purchasers and vendors may face difficult decisions when something unexpected happens to the property between the time that the agreement of purchase and sale is signed and the transaction closes