Effective Cost Management in Litigation

Changes made to the Rules of Civil Procedure in Ontario in January of this year have given judges a new power to determine key issues in a lawsuit, before a full-blown trial.

Conrad Black’s Case: Implications on Policy

Interview of Peter Biro, Partner, by Business News Network regarding implications of Conrad Black case on policy going forward and what this case tells us about our society and culture. […]

Heart Lake Appeal Heard in Court

The lawyers presented their arguments and now a judge will take the next few weeks to decide whether the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) was right to approve a multi-building high-rise […]

Loomba wins human rights ruling

Ontario’s Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that one of Home Depot’s senior employees discriminated against a Sikh security guard.

Turban trumps hard hat

A Home Depot manager discriminated against a Sikh security guard who refused to replace his turban with a hard hat.