Beware: Proposed Tax Changes May Require you to Act Now
In a prior Client Alert, we summarized tax proposals released on July 18th, 2017 that will, if enacted as proposed, significantly change the tax rules for private corporations and their shareholders. In […]
WeirFoulds Partner Wayne Egan Listed in The Lexpert Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that Partner Wayne Egan has been listed in the 2017/18 edition of The Lexpert Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining.
WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in 2018 Best Lawyers® in Canada Directory
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that 34 of our lawyers have been listed in the 2018 edition of Best Lawyers® in Canada.
Sweeping Tax Proposals to Impact Private Corporations, Their Shareholders (including Family Trusts) and Post-Mortem Tax Planning
On July 18, 2017, becoming or staying an employee (particularly a government employee) became more attractive. That is the date the Trudeau government released the consultation paper that was promised […]
WeirFoulds Represents Lonestar West in in a $43 Million acquisition by Clean Harbors
On July 17, 2017 Clean Harbors, Inc. (Clean Harbors) (NYSE: CLH) and Lonestar West Inc. (Lonestar) (TSX.V: LSI) reported the completion of their previously announced transaction whereby Clean Harbors has acquired Lonestar.
Marie-Andrée Vermette contributes an article on access to justice in French for Advocacy Matters
WeirFoulds litigation partner Marie-Andrée Vermette is a contributor to the July 2017 edition of Advocacy Matters, one of the newsletters produced by The Advocates’ Society.
WeirFoulds Partners Listed in Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers
We are pleased to announce that Nikiforos Iatrou, Edmond Lamek and Ryan Morris are listed in the Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers.
Canada’s Anti-Spam Law Update: Private Right of Action Suspended
A private right of action under Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) was scheduled to become law on July 1, 2017 (see recent WeirFoulds Newsletter, Canada’s Anti-Spam Law has New Teeth on July 1, […]
Protecting Patients Act, 2017 passed by the Government
On May 30, 2017, Bill 87, Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (the Act), was passed by the government. The Act amends the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (the RHPA) and five other health-related Acts. The Act […]
Benchmark Canada Recognizes Seven WeirFoulds Lawyers
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that seven partners have been listed in the 5th edition of Benchmark Canada, the Guide to Canada’s Leading Litigation Firms and Attorneys. Benchmark Canada identifies the […]
Sexual Abuse Task Force Recommendations: Why All Professional Regulators Should Pay Attention
On September 9, 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ministry) released the recommendations of the Minister’s Task Force (Task Force) on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Patients […]
National Cyber Security Awareness Month: 10 Tips For Businesses

October is national Cyber Security Awareness Month. Here are 10 cybersecurity tips for businesses.
The Implications of Bill C-14, Medical Assistance in Dying from an Estates Law Perspective
On June 17, 2016, Bill C-141 came into force, creating a federal regulatory framework for medical assistance in dying (“MAID”) under the newly enacted subsection 241.2 of the Criminal Code2 […]
WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in 2017 Best Lawyers® in Canada Directory
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that 27 of our lawyers have been listed in the 2017 edition of Best Lawyers® in Canada. WeirFoulds has proudly earned 45 rankings in 21 […]
Case Commentary: Ontario Court of Appeal Delivers Stern Message to Employers Who Mistreat Employees with Disabilities
The recent court decision in Jaffary v. Greaves highlights key ambiguities in Ontario’s Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.