Partner Robert Warren named by Lexpert® as a Leading Energy Lawyer in Canada
WeirFoulds partner Robert Warren is named by Lexpert® as a Leading Energy Lawyer in Canada in the November 2015 Special Edition of The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business.
Partner Emeritus John McKellar Recognized at Mayor’s Evening for the Arts

WeirFoulds Partner Emeritus John McKellar, CM, QC, was recognized at the Mayor’s Evening for the Arts for serving eight years as Board Chair of the Toronto Arts Council. Held on October 26, 2015 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the event raised funds in support of the Toronto Arts Foundation.
Two Important Cases for Regulatory Bodies on the Ontario Human Rights Code
Two Important Cases for Regulatory Bodies on the Ontario Human Rights Code
WeirFoulds Ranked Number One in the Canadian Lawyer Survey for the Top 10 Ontario Regional Firms 2015
WeirFoulds LLP is delighted to announce that the Firm has been voted by our peers and colleagues as the number one regional law firm in Canadian Lawyer’s 2015 Survey for the Top 10 Ontario Regional Firms. Canadian Lawyer surveyed lawyers and in-house counsel from across Canada to vote on Ontario’s full-service regional firms based on regional service coverage, client base, notable mandates, service excellence and legal expertise.
27 WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in 2016 Best Lawyers® in Canada Directory
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that 27 of our lawyers have been listed in the 2016 edition of Best Lawyers® in Canada. Several WeirFoulds lawyers have been consistently recognized by […]
WeirFoulds Proud to Support Toronto Startups through Silicon Valley-Based Founder Institute
WeirFoulds is proud to support Toronto’s thriving startup community for a third session of the Founder Institute. The firm provides valuable legal advice to program participants, drawing on expertise assisting entrepreneurs and high-growth companies in all areas of corporate and securities law.
WeirFoulds Well Represented in the 2015 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce the recognition of 17 lawyers as “Leading Practitioners” in the 2015 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory. Each lawyer was selected based on recognition by their peers and highlights the firm’s expertise across a range of practice areas.
WeirFoulds Congratulates Sylvia Adriano, Recognized as a “Corporate Lawyer to Watch” in the 2015 Lexpert® US/Canada Cross-Border Guide – Corporate
WeirFoulds partner Sylvia Adriano is named a “Corporate Lawyer to Watch” in the 2015 Lexpert® Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers in Canada.
WeirFoulds Congratulates All Nominees and Winners at the 2015 CGCA Awards
WeirFoulds congratulates all nominees and winners at the 2015 Canadian General Counsel Awards. WeirFoulds is a proud sponsor of this annual event and applauds all those who were recognized for excellence in their profession and dedication to the community at large.
Regulatory Developments and the Impact on Consumers, Business and the Environment
The policies of the OEB, and in particular its approach to the setting of rates for the transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas, have had an impact on […]
Quiz: Timely Responses to Access to Information Requests
In Ontario, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act are increasingly being used as tools to obtain […]
The Carter Decision What’s Next?
Our Estate Alert of February 6, 2015 discussed the Supreme Court of Canada [“SCC”]’s decision of Carter v. Canada (Attorney General)that was released that day. Now that we have had some time to consider the decision, we are asking “what’s next?”
Managing the Challenges Facing Municipalities and their Utilities
Electricity distribution utilities are facing an unprecedented number of challenges. They are under significant cost pressures due to the need to repair and replace aging infrastructure, and to respond to […]
Quiz: An Obligation to Negotiate a Lease in Good Faith
Effective negotiation is an integral part of coming to terms on all types of agreements. Depending on the negotiating power of the parties, it typically involves some give and take […]
The ICRC’s Power to Order an Independent Medical Examination: The Ontario Divisional Court’s Decision in Iacovelli v. College of Nurses of Ontario
The recent Divisional Court decision of Iacovelli v. College of Nurses of Ontario1 discusses the significant power of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“ICRC”) of a health regulatory College to order an independent medical examination.