WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in the 2018 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory

Glenn W. Ackerley, Raj Anand, Sandra Astolfo, Denise Baker, Lisa A. Borsook, Clare E. Burns, Jeff G. Cowan, M. Jill Dougherty, Lori M. Duffy, Robert Eberschlag, Bryan Finlay QC, Jordan Glick, Nikiforos Iatrou, James G. Kosa, Barnet H. Kussner, W. A. Derry Millar, J. Gregory Richards, Max […]

Crisis and Social Media

Whenever there is a significant public crisis such as Hurricane Harvey, people turn to the social web, usually Twitter, to gather news, offer help, express irritation, and berate public agencies or […]

Prudent Investor Legislative Provisions Update

We have been advised by a communications official at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs that the prudent investor provisions under the Municipal Act, 2001 (the “Act”) are expected to be proclaimed in force next week (no reference however to the relevant regulations).