Congratulations to WeirFoulds Women and Frank Walwyn, Recipients of 2016 Lexpert® Zenith Awards Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

WeirFoulds is delighted to announce that the WeirFoulds Women (WFW) initiative and our esteemed colleague Frank Walwyn were both selected as 2016 Lexpert® Zenith Awards winners. This year’s Zenith Awards celebrate those who have demonstrated excellence, action and thought leadership in ways that have advanced diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and in society at large.

Marie-Andrée Vermette Elected a Director of The Advocates’ Society

WeirFoulds is proud to announce that litigation partner Marie-Andrée Vermette has been elected a Director of The Advocates’ Society. The Board of Directors is responsible for managing and supervising the activities and affairs of The Advocates’ Society. Marie-Andrée will also be a member of some of the Society’s Standing Committees.

The Functus Officio Doctrine: Food for Regulatory Fodder

Consider the following hypothetical: The “Vetting Committee”[1] of a professional regulator refers specified allegations of professional misconduct against a member to the Discipline Committee. After the Notice of Hearing is […]

Panama Papers and Offshore Accounts: Window of Opportunity to Make a Voluntary Disclosure Closing

Canadian residents are required to report worldwide income. Furthermore, Canadian residents are generally required to annually file a special information return for any year that they held, at any time in that year, “specified foreign property” that had a cost exceeding $100,000. A failure to report such income or file any such return makes the Canadian resident liable to significant penalties (for which interest accrues daily) and potentially open to criminal prosecution.