Frank Walwyn Honoured by Ontario Bar Association

Frank Walwyn, senior litigation partner at WeirFoulds, received the Ontario Bar Association’s 2016 Award for Distinguished Service at an award ceremony in Toronto on April 20, 2016. In “Frank Walwyn […]

Frank Walwyn Admitted to American College of Trial Lawyers

Frank Walwyn has become a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in North America. The induction ceremony at which Frank became a Fellow took place at the 2016 Spring Meeting of the College.

WeirFoulds Proudly Supports the Sopinka Cup 2016

WeirFoulds is proud to continue its long-standing support of the Sopinka Cup, Canada’s national trial advocacy competition, organized by The Advocates’ Society, and funded by the American College of Trial Lawyers.

Regulators Breathe a Sigh of Relief: Registration of Foreign-Trained Professionals

In a recent decision, Justice Ross of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta considered whether a foreign-trained engineer’s human rights had been violated by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (the “Association”) when it required him to fulfil certain requirements before he could register as a professional engineer in that province.

WeirFoulds is a Proud Sponsor of the Arnup Cup 2016

WeirFoulds is proud to continue to sponsor the Arnup Cup, an annual trial advocacy competition for Ontario law schools, organized by The Advocates’ Society. The Cup bears the name of the Honourable John D. Arnup, O.C., Q.C., who for many years sat as a distinguished member of the Court of Appeal for Ontario following a career at WeirFoulds as one of Canada’s finest litigation counsel.