The pitfalls of P3 projects

The success of any publicly funded constuction project is largely due to the lawyers behind the scenes. Primarily, they review all the documentation with the goal of identifying risk.

Books by WeirFoulds Lawyers – Litigation

The Plaintiff was employed by the defendant for 15 years. She earned $12.95 per hour. She was dismissed at the age of 56 after she became totally deaf, possibly due to a virus. The conduct of her employer is summarized by Epstein, J.A. at the outset and is startling, to say the least:

Case Comment: Antle Of Trusts and Shams

On October 21, 2010, the Federal Court of Appeal rendered its decision (2010 FCA 280) in respect of the appeal by John Antle from his loss at the Tax Court […]

Case Comment: Cavalier v. Ramshaw

During his time sitting on the Estates List, Justice David M. Brown has not been hesitant in expressing his views about the need for change. In his decisions, Justice Brown […]

SABA honours Raj Anand

The South Asian Bar Association honours Raj Anand with its 2010 Distinguished Career Award.