

Privacy Law Summit – Ontario Bar Association

Associate Vipal Jain will speak during the Privacy Law Summit, which will be hosted by the Ontario Bar Association's Privacy and Access to Information Law Section, on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

With constant technological advances and societal changes, privacy law is continually evolving. Attendees will learn about: privacy and artificial intelligence; current case law, including action cases; legislative updates and managing changes in privacy law; best practices in drafting privacy policies and data breach communications; privacy law and cross-border issues; privacy and financial matters; data protection and breaches in health care; and building a career in privacy law.

Vipal will present during a breakout session titled "Advancing Your Career in Privacy Law", which will explore diverse career paths, from in-house to private practice and beyond. The discussion will cover how to stand out as a privacy lawyer, key skills to develop, and common pitfalls to avoid.

For more information and to register, click here.

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