Defending Against Fraud This Holiday Season: A Guide For Charities And Not-For-Profits
As we head into the holiday season, charities benefit from an inflow of donations as the majority of Canadians plan to give back to their communities by donating or volunteering […]
Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Miami – C5 Communications
Partner Benjamin Bathgate will speak during the 13th edition of Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery, while will be hosted by C5 Communications in Miami, Florida on Thursday, October 24 – […]
WeirFoulds welcomes new partner Benjamin Bathgate to the firm as Chair of the Commercial Litigation Practice Group
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that Benjamin Bathgate has joined the firm’s partnership as Chair of the Commercial Litigation Practice Group. As the newest member of the partnership, Ben is […]
The Mareva Injunction: A “vital arrow” for fraud victims, according to Ontario’s Divisional Court

In a recent decision, Ontario’s Divisional Court reviewed the requirements for succeeding in obtaining a Mareva injunction, and, more importantly, reaffirmed the importance of such an injunction in fraud cases. In 2092280 Ontario […]
AML Update: Looking Ahead in 2018: Investment Funds Bulletin

The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) provides for there to be a review by Parliament of the administration and operation of the Act every five years. The […]
British Overseas Territories Faced with Push for Transparency by UK Government
On 1 May 2018, the UK Government accepted an amendment to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill, which now heads back to the House of Lords. The amendment will require UK […]
International Anti-Corruption Day: 9 December
International Anti-Corruption Day has been recognized on an annual basis since the passage of the United Nations Convention against Corruption which Canada has ratified in 2003. This year, International Anti-Corruption Day falls on 9 December 2017.
Don’t Turn the Boom Into a Bust: Avoiding the Criminal Consequences of Public Procurement
In a recent interview with the Globe and Mail, Canada’s Commissioner of Competition, John Pecman, said that the Competition Bureau is planning to double the number of training workshops that […]
Integrity Provisions and Leases with Federal Governmental Bodies
Overview of the new Integrity Regime On July 3, 2015, the Government of Canada introduced a revamped “Integrity Regime” that applies to all real property transactions (including leases)[1] between private […]
A Leap of Good Faith? Practical Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew for Contracting Parties – Update
A Leap of Good Faith? Practical Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew for Contracting Parties[1] In Bhasin v. Hrynew,[2] the Supreme Court of Canada […]
A Year in Review: The Far Reach of the IRS in Canada Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
In February 2014, the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States entered into an intergovernmental agreement (“IGA“). The IGA allows Canadian financial institutions to report US taxpayers’ […]
Tort Liability at Home for Alleged Wrongs Abroad: The Common Law Goes Extraterritorial?
Contemporary anti-corruption and bribery legislation is distinguished by its extraterritorial reach to conduct abroad conduct which may indeed be lawful and/or expected as a condition of doing business where it […]
Sneaking and Peeking: The Future of Securities Investigation Has Arrived
In the 1983 classic Scarface, Tony Montana was recorded laundering millions of dollars by a video camera disguised as a clock. His captors understood one important lesson: capturing sophisticated criminals […]
Spilling secrets: The end of confidentiality in offshore financial centres
The Cayman Islands, Nevis and the British Virgin Islands (“BVI“) bring to mind images of turquoise waters, white sand beaches and offshore bank accounts and corporations where the super wealthy stash […]
The Recovery of Stolen Assets in Canada: Civil and Criminal Remedies
In Canada, the fraud victim has four avenues that would aid in the recovery of the stolen funds: (1) the pursuit of civil remedies; (2) the pursuit of criminal remedies; […]