Case Law Update: i Trade Finance Inc v Bank of Montreal
Secured Transaction Personal Property Security Act Equity Fraud
Real Estate Developers Must Comply with Anti-Money Laundering Legislation
Real estate developers must now comply with the reporting, client identification and record keeping requirements within this legislation.
Toronto’s “Harmonized” Comprehensive Zoning By-law: Closer to Approval
Since 2004, the City of Toronto has been working on harmonizing the 43 different zoning by-laws inherited from its pre-amalgamation municipalities into one single comprehensive zoning by-law.
New Duties for Real Estate Developers Under Money Laundering Legislation
On February 20, 2009, a key amendment to regulations under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, 2000, c.17 will come into force.
Bank Fraud: Practical and Legal Repercussions

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