Raj Anand discusses changes to lawyer licensing and the LSO May Convocation with The Lawyer’s Daily
WeirFoulds Partner, Raj Anand, discussed the changes to lawyer licensing and the number of issues it brought up at the Law Society of Ontario’s (LSO) May Convocation, including the cost […]
WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in the 2018 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory
Glenn W. Ackerley, Raj Anand, Sandra Astolfo, Denise Baker, Lisa A. Borsook, Clare E. Burns, Jeff G. Cowan, M. Jill Dougherty, Lori M. Duffy, Robert Eberschlag, Bryan Finlay QC, Jordan Glick, Nikiforos Iatrou, James G. Kosa, Barnet H. Kussner, W. A. Derry Millar, J. Gregory Richards, Max […]
Raj Anand quoted in the Law Times “inclusion benefits all of us”
The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) benchers turned down a motion that would have given conscientious objectors an exemption from adopting and abiding by a statement of principles acknowledging their obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
WeirFoulds proudly supports the RODA-OBA Annual Diversity Conference

WeirFoulds is proud to sponsor the Roundtable of Diversity Association’s 3rd Annual Diversity Conference in partnership with the Ontario Bar Association. As a returning gold sponsor, we are grateful for […]
Raj Anand tells The Toronto Star that controversial Law Society initiative is an important part of culture change, “not a burdensome requirement”
WeirFoulds partner Raj Anand has joined with others in the legal profession to urge the Law Society not to backtrack on addressing systemic racism in the legal profession.
FACL Honours Raj Anand with Lifetime Achievement Award

The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) Ontario honoured Raj Anand, WeirFoulds Senior Partner and Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, with their 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Raj Anand writes to the editor of The Globe and Mail
Raj Anand, senior WeirFoulds partner, Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) and co-chair, Working Groups on Challenges Faced by Racialized Lawyers and Paralegals, wrote a letter to the editor of The Globe and Mail.
Raj Anand discusses Law Society statement of principles with Canadian Lawyer Magazine
WeirFoulds partner, and Law Society of Upper Canada Bencher, Raj Anand discusses concerns raised about the Law Society’s requirement that lawyers adopt and abide by the Statement of Principles.
Raj Anand contributes to Canada at 150: Building a Free and Democratic Society
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that Raj Anand has contributed an essay to the LexisNexis one-of-a-kind publication, Canada at 150: Building a Free and Democratic Society.
WeirFoulds congratulates Raj Anand on being named one of Canadian Lawyer’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers for 2017
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that Raj Anand, a senior partner and Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, has been named as one of Canadian Lawyer’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers for 2017 in the Human Rights, Advocacy and Criminal law category.
Raj Anand profiled by Desi News on his life and his work towards promoting equality in the legal profession
WeirFoulds Partner Raj Anand was profiled in the February 2017 issue of Desi News, Canada’s number one South Asian magazine, in the Grant’s Desi Achiever special feature article Law and Behold!.
In the piece, Raj discusses his role as the co-chair of the Law Society of Upper Canada’s Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group, as well as his life and his hope for a more equitable legal profession and society.
WeirFoulds Partner Raj Anand Works to Assist Law Firms to Combat Racism and Discrimination

Raj Anand, a senior civil litigation and human rights partner at WeirFoulds, and a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC), has added to his long list of […]
Sexual Abuse Task Force Recommendations: Why All Professional Regulators Should Pay Attention
On September 9, 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ministry) released the recommendations of the Minister’s Task Force (Task Force) on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Patients […]
Raj Anand discusses widespread barriers facing racialized lawyers with Law Times
A recently released report has recommended the Law Society of Upper Canada take a lead role in combatting systemic racism within the legal profession. The Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees […]
The RHPA’s “blanket provision”: protecting professional self-regulatory colleges from human rights complaints
In a recently released decision, Dindial v. College of Nurses[1], the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) dismissed an application by a registered nurse alleging that she was discriminated against […]