Human Rights Update – Dealing with Applications at a Preliminary Stage
Applications under the Human Rights Code (“Code”) present a real risk for employers and an important avenue of redress for employees.
Case Law Update: Nemeth v. Canada (Justice)
Immigration and Refugee Law Extradition Principle of non-refoulement
Case Law Update: Shaw v. Phipps
[2010] O.J. No. 4283 (Div. Ct.), Released 6 October 2010Administrative Law Standard of Review of Decisions of the HRTO Human Rights Prima Facie Discrimination on the Basis of Race
Case Law Update: Ontario (Director, Disability Support Program) v. Tranchemontagne
2010 ONCA 593, Released 16 September 2010Human Rights Test for Discriminatory Legislation
Case Law Update: The Supreme Court of Canada Finds that Administrative Tribunals have the Jurisdiction to Grant “Charter” Remedies
The Supreme Court of Canada has removed any lingering doubts that administrative tribunals have the authority to grant “Charter” remedies.
Duty to Accommodate Supreme Court of Canada Rehabilitates the Undue Hardship Threshold
A recent decision of Canada’s top court signals a pendulum swing in the judicial attitude towards the employer’s burden.
The changing face of Human Rights complaints
The new Human Rights regime will impact both employers and unions in dealing with the system.