Book Review: The Duty to Consult – New Relationships with Aboriginal Peoples
The duty to consult Aboriginal peoples requires the Crown to speak with First Nations, Inuit peoples, and Métis communities before undertaking action which may adversely impact those groups’ constitutional rights.
Case Law Update: Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council
Aboriginal Law Duty to Consult
Avoiding Black Holes and Hollow Victories: Cross-Border Litigation Comes of Age
The business of litigation, like commerce itself, has become increasingly international.
Duty to consult with First Nations: A municipal obligation?
The Canadian federal government and all provincial governments have a duty to consult with the First Nations before taking any steps that may infringe on aboriginal or treaty rights which are claimed or have been established. The case law on this point is clear. What isn’t so clear is whether the duty to consult with the First Nations applies to municipalities when making land-use or other decisions that may impact these rights.