OMB Variability
Most municipalities subject to the provincial growth plan are still going through exercises required to ensure that their official plans conform with provincial policy.
Municipal Elections Expenses: Greater Clarity For Audit Procedures
Important guidance on how the Municipal Elections Act (“MEA”) should be interpreted and applied where a candidate’s election expenses are subject to an audit.
Proposed Green Energy Act Places Limits on Municipal Land Use Planning Powers
On February 23, 2009, the Government of Ontario introduced and gave first reading to the Green Energy Act, 2009 (the “Act”).
Balancing Act Municipality Not Negligent in Enforcing
Recent court decision gives municipalities acting in good faith broad discretion in how by-law enforcement takes place.
Less Onerous Employee Dismissal Process for Municipalities
The Supreme Court of Canada makes it clear that a fairness hearing is not needed prior to dismissing the holder of a public office.
Public Peephole into Municipal Affairs is Widening
The Ontario Court of Appeal has expanded public access to information to include the business activities of a municipally-owned corporation.
Putting new municipal accountability measures into action
Major amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001 took effect on January 1, 2007. One of the key changes was the introduction of accountability provisions that give municipalities the power to create new positions to help ensure that good governance is maintained by local council and boards.
Clean drinking water: Provincial protection with a municipal impact
Ontario residents will soon benefit from greater protections for their drinking water, but these protections will come with both responsibilities and changes for municipalities.
Municipal actions. Court reactions.
With the actions of municipalities having such a direct and wide-ranging impact on the communities they serve, conflicts inevitably occur and court cases result. Here are a few recent cases you may find of interest.
Power to delegate far reaching for Ontario municipalities
A new era for municipal governments in Ontario was ushered in on January 1, 2007 with the proclamation of Bill 130’s major amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001.
Flexing that municipal muscle
In their legislative role, municipalities face challenges not seen by other levels of government. Luckily, there’s never been a better time for creative solutions.
Structuring and Financing P3s
One of the most difficult, time consuming and important challenges facing the public sector is how to structure the Public-Private Partnership (the “P3”) to adequately protect relevant public policy and public interest objectives and concerns, while attracting the desired level of private sector involvement, private investment and risk transference to the private sector…