The Benefits of Brightfields Developments for Municipalities

The increasing viability and importance of distributed energy resources, and the content of the provincial government’s policies on climate change, make the use of brownfields sites for brightfields developments a compelling option for municipalities.*

Chris Tzekas Discusses Expropriation with CityTV News

Chris Tzekas, administrative law and civil litigation partner at WeirFoulds, spoke to Adrian Ghobrial of CityTV News on May 31, 2016 about expropriation issues related to the proposed Scarborough subway extension.

The Challenges and Benefits of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) for Municipalities

The growing interest in, and deployment of, distributed energy resources (“DER”) has been thought to be of interest, albeit for different reasons, primarily to consumers and to local electricity distribution utilities. However, DER has important implications for municipalities, both in their capacity as the owners of those distribution utilities and as a means to promote both conservation and the development of contaminated properties.

Corporate Governance for Municipally-Owned Local Electricity Distribution Utilities

Local distribution electricity utilities (“LDCs”) have been a source of stable and predictable income for their municipal owners. That is in large measure a result of the fact that LDCs are providing a monopoly service overseen by a regulator charged with the obligation, among other things, to ensure the stability of the LDCs.

Energy/Tax Law Update 2015

The 2015 Ontario Budget, released on April 23, includes proposed measures that are intended to set the stage for consolidation within Ontario’s electricity distribution sector. At a high level, the measures are a limited-duration reduction of barriers to private sector investment in municipally owned electricity utilities (MEUs).

Partner Lyn Townsend Appointed to Bill 73 Development Charges Steering Committee

WeirFoulds is pleased to announce partner Lyn Townsend has been appointed by the Province to the newly formed Bill 73 Development Charges Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will work with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the working groups formed to provide advice to the Provincial government on regulatory changes needed to implement the new provisions of the Development Charges Act.

Quiz: Land Use Planning Reform

A Development Permit Sysytem combines the zoning, site plan, and minor variance processes into one application and approval process. Through area-wide studies and community consultation, new development standards and performance […]