WeirFoulds Lawyers Recognized in the 2018 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory
Glenn W. Ackerley, Raj Anand, Sandra Astolfo, Denise Baker, Lisa A. Borsook, Clare E. Burns, Jeff G. Cowan, M. Jill Dougherty, Lori M. Duffy, Robert Eberschlag, Bryan Finlay QC, Jordan Glick, Nikiforos Iatrou, James G. Kosa, Barnet H. Kussner, W. A. Derry Millar, J. Gregory Richards, Max […]
Panic in Wychwood Park?
On May 18, 2017, the Ontario Court of Appeal (“the Court”) released its decision in Black v. Owen. The appeal concerned the enforceability of the appellants’ legal obligation to pay an […]
Fact Sheet: Changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
On May 18, 2017, the Government of Ontario released the updated Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (“Growth Plan”). The new Growth Plan will come into effect on July 1, […]
Ontario Announces Proposed Changes to the OMB and the Results of the Coordinated Review of Four Provincial Land Use Plans
Over the past few days there have been a series of announcements from the province of Ontario regarding the introduction of legislation related to reforms of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), and the results of a coordinated review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH), the Greenbelt Plan, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan. Please find details about both of these announcements below.
Lyn Townsend to be Honoured with 2017 Cambridge Award
WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that Lyn Townsend will be presented with the 2017 Cambridge Award at this year’s Planning & Development Forum.
Toronto Ponders Controversial New Parking Tax to Help Balance City Books
Counsel advising shareholders of private corporations need to pay careful heed to the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Frye v. Frye Estate.
Municipal and Planning Law Update: Bill 73 – Changes to the Planning Act
Bill 73 – Changes to the Planning Act In March 2015, we reported on the Province’s first reading of Bill 73 Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 and some […]
The Benefits of Brightfields Developments for Municipalities
The increasing viability and importance of distributed energy resources, and the content of the provincial government’s policies on climate change, make the use of brownfields sites for brightfields developments a compelling option for municipalities.*
Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Alternative to an OMB Hearing?
Developers and builders working in the GTA know that the process to get projects approved has become more complex, expensive, lengthy and uncertain. Anything that attempts to ease these stresses is a welcome relief.
WeirFoulds Ranked #1 in Novae Res Urbis Top 10 Development Law Firms in GTA
WeirFoulds is thrilled to announce that it has taken the top spot in Novae Res Urbis’ (NRU) 17th annual ranking of the GTA’s most prominent planning and development law firms.
Land Transfer Tax: Assignments, Flips and Options
Determining the amount of Land Transfer Tax (“LTT”) payable on a routine purchase and sale transaction is not a difficult task. On a more complicated transaction or series of transactions, however, the impact of the Land Transfer Tax Act R.S.O. 1990, c.L.6, as amended (the “Act”) and the resultant LTT may have surprising and unfavourable results for a purchaser.
Province Makes Significant Changes to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) has completed its province-wide consultation, which looked at the way development is planned and paid for.
WeirFoulds Ranked #3 in Novae Res Urbis Top 10 Development Law Firms in GTA
WeirFoulds is thrilled to announce that it has risen to # 3 in Novae Res Urbis’ (NRU) 16th annual ranking of the GTA’s most prominent planning and development law firms, from #6 in 2013.
Quiz: Land Use Planning Reform
A Development Permit Sysytem combines the zoning, site plan, and minor variance processes into one application and approval process. Through area-wide studies and community consultation, new development standards and performance […]
Fifteen WeirFoulds Partners Recognized in the 2014 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory
Fifteen WeirFoulds lawyers have been recognized in the 2014 edition of the Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as “Leading Practitioners” in their areas of practice, up from 12 lawyers in 2013. […]