WeirFoulds is a Proud Sponsor of the Arnup Cup 2016

WeirFoulds is proud to continue to sponsor the Arnup Cup, an annual trial advocacy competition for Ontario law schools, organized by The Advocates’ Society. The Cup bears the name of the Honourable John D. Arnup, O.C., Q.C., who for many years sat as a distinguished member of the Court of Appeal for Ontario following a career at WeirFoulds as one of Canada’s finest litigation counsel.

Client Newsletter – Spring 2012

Please click the link to the left to access a PDF of the client newsletter. Welcome to the Spring 2012 edition of our Client Update Newsletter. Here, we provide you […]

Get the lead out

For years now, lower production costs in developing countries have been a competitive advantage for many businesses. But as recent product recalls have shown, it’s a strategy that requires significant attention to the potential risks involved…