WeirFoulds is pleased to announce that we have been recognized with distinction in The Globe and Mail’s Best Law Firms 2024 list in the areas of Administrative & Public Law, Construction, and Environment (incl. Climate Change). This is the third consecutive year that The Globe and Mail has recognized WeirFoulds in this ranking.
The Globe and Mail partnered with Statista to determine which law firms in Canada were the most highly regarded by industry professionals. In total, nearly 25,000 lawyers and clients across Canada were polled, with 200 firms across the country rising to the top in 31 distinct legal fields.
We would also like to congratulate fellow SCG Legal member firms, Clark Wilson LLP (British Columbia), Field Law (Alberta, Yukon), and Taylor McCaffrey LLP (Manitoba) for also being recognized by The Globe and Mail as among the Best Law Firms in Canada.
We are proud to once again be recognized among the best law firms in Canada and grateful to our peers, clients and contacts in the legal industry who continue to express their satisfaction with the quality of our counsel, professionalism and service.
Click here to read the article published in The Globe and Mail.